A Brief History of Dentistry | Bell Dentist

Dentistry, an indispensable aspect of healthcare, has a rich and fascinating history that spans centuries. The evolution of dental practices reflects not only advancements in medical knowledge but also cultural shifts and technological progress. Join us on a journey through time as we explore the milestones and transformations that have shaped the field of dentistry over the past 350 years.

  • Ancient Beginnings (1700 BC – 500 AD):
  • Dentistry’s roots trace back to ancient civilizations, where early cultures developed rudimentary dental techniques. The Etruscans, Egyptians, and Greeks were among the first to recognize the importance of oral health. Tooth extraction, using primitive tools, was a common practice during this era.
  • The Middle Ages (500 AD – 1500 AD):
  • Dental knowledge took a backseat during the Middle Ages, with superstitions often overshadowing scientific understanding. Barbers, not trained dentists, were responsible for tooth extractions, leading to a blend of medical and cosmetic practices.
  • The Renaissance (1500 AD – 1700 AD):
  • As the Renaissance unfolded, so did a renewed interest in scientific inquiry. The era saw the publication of influential dental texts and the establishment of barber-surgeon guilds. Ambroise Paré, a French barber-surgeon, contributed to dental advancements with his innovative prosthetic dentures.
  • The 18th Century: Dentistry as a Distinct Profession (1700 AD – 1800 AD):
  • The 18th century marked the emergence of dentistry as a separate profession. Pierre Fauchard, often hailed as the “father of modern dentistry,” published “The Surgeon Dentist,” a comprehensive guide that laid the groundwork for dental practices. The era also witnessed the introduction of dental chairs for patient comfort.
  • The 19th Century: Technological Advancements and Formal Education (1800 AD – 1900 AD):
  • The 19th century brought significant technological strides to dentistry, including the invention of the dental drill and the introduction of anesthesia for dental procedures. Dental schools were established, formalizing education for aspiring dentists. This period set the stage for the professionalization of dentistry.
  • The 20th Century: A Century of Innovation (1900 AD – 2000 AD):
  • The 20th century witnessed a surge in technological innovation, transforming the practice of dentistry. X-rays revolutionized diagnostics, fluoride gained recognition for its role in preventing tooth decay, and the development of dental implants provided a groundbreaking solution for missing teeth. Cosmetic dentistry also gained prominence during this era.
  • The 21st Century: Digital Dentistry and Beyond (2000 AD – Present):
  • The 21st century has seen a rapid integration of digital technologies into dentistry. Digital imaging, 3D printing, and computer-aided design have enhanced diagnosis and treatment planning. Minimally invasive techniques, laser dentistry, and tele-dentistry have become integral components of modern dental practices.

The history of dentistry is a testament to human ingenuity and our relentless pursuit of better health. From ancient tooth extractions to sophisticated digital technologies, dentistry has evolved into a dynamic and essential field. As we continue to innovate and adapt, one thing remains constant—the commitment to preserving the health and beauty of our smiles.

If you would like to find out more, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

The Difference Between Commercial and Private Dental Practices | Bell Dentist

When it comes to oral health, the choice between a commercial dental practice and a private dental practice is a decision that many individuals face. Each type of practice has its unique set of characteristics, catering to diverse preferences and needs.

Commercial dental practices, often part of larger corporate chains, are characterized by their accessibility and widespread availability. These practices are typically found in bustling commercial areas, making them convenient for individuals seeking dental care amid their busy lives. With extended hours and walk-in appointments, commercial practices prioritize accessibility, aiming to accommodate a broad spectrum of patients.

On the other hand, private dental practices are smaller, independently owned clinics that often foster a more personalized atmosphere. These practices are commonly run by a single dentist or a small group of practitioners, emphasizing continuity of care and a deeper patient-dentist relationship. Private practices are known for their patient-centered approach, where individuals can expect more individualized attention and a familiar face during each visit.

One of the defining differences between commercial and private practices is the approach to treatment plans and procedures. Commercial practices may employ a more standardized approach, driven by corporate guidelines, whereas private practices often have the flexibility to tailor treatment plans to the specific needs and preferences of their patients. This personalized touch can create a more comfortable and reassuring experience for individuals seeking dental care.

Cost considerations also play a significant role in the decision-making process. Commercial practices may offer competitive pricing and package deals, appealing to those on a budget. Private practices, while potentially perceived as more expensive, often provide a transparent breakdown of costs and may work with patients to explore financing options. The emphasis on quality and personalized care in private practices can be a worthwhile investment for those who prioritize a comprehensive and individualized dental experience.

In conclusion, the choice between a commercial and private dental practice ultimately boils down to individual preferences, priorities, and the level of care one seeks. Whether it’s the convenience and accessibility of commercial practices or the personalized touch of private clinics, both options contribute to the diverse landscape of dental care, ensuring that individuals can find a provider that aligns with their unique needs and expectations.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

What to Do When You Crack a Tooth

Chomp on something your tooth didn’t like? Or get hit in the mouth with a hockey puck?

If you think you may have a cracked tooth, or if you’re holding a piece of your tooth in your hand, follow these steps!

  1. Give us a call to schedule an appointment 323 312-0500. Let us know about your emergency and we will make our best effort to see you right away or you can also make an online appointment!
  2. If there are tooth fragments that have fallen out, preserve them in a clean container with a moist solution (cold milk, water, saliva), and bring them in to your appointment.
  3. Apply a cold pack to your jaw to lessen any pain and swelling.
  4. If bleeding, bite down on a gauze pad until bleeding stops. It is possible to have a cracked tooth and not know it.

If you have any pain when biting down, or when eating something hot or cold, it’s best to get it checked out.

In order to prevent further damage to the tooth or an infection, it’s very important to correct a cracked tooth immediately.

How Apples are Good for Your Teeth

People have been asserting that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” since the 19th century. While it may not necessarily be true that those who eat apples never have to see a doctor, apples certainly have great health benefits for our bodies! Did you know they can even be good for our teeth? Let’s take a look at what the research says …

It’s widely thought that chewing a crisp, fresh apple can help brush away plaque on our teeth. We’re not too sure on this one, as some studies show a higher plaque content on teeth after eating an apple. At the same time, there is evidence to suggest some polyphenols in apples can lower the ability of cavity-causing bacteria to adhere to teeth. Further, some studies have shown that the antioxidants in apples can help prevent periodontal disease.

Apples even contain a (very) small amount of fluoride. This is worth noting, as fluoride is so important in helping prevent cavities.

Lastly, the act of chewing an apple stimulates saliva production. Saliva helps wash away food debris and bacteria. Remember, though, apples contain sugar and acid so it’s best not to go overboard with them.

You can even swish with water after eating one to wash away some of the sugar left behind.

As the science continues to look into how apples affect our teeth, one thing we know is true: regular dental visits, along with daily tooth brushing and flossing, is your best defense against tooth decay!

Reasons You May Have A Dry Mouth

We all know drinking enough water is good for our health. And when you’re feeling parched, there’s nothing better than a tall drink of ice-cold water to dampen that dry mouth of yours. But what do you do when you find yourself constantly needing to wet your whistle? There are numerous reasons you could be suffering from dry mouth.

Below are the top five.


Sometimes having a dry mouth is just a normal part of life. Temporary anxiety, open-mouthed breathing, mild dehydration, menopause, pregnancy, and decreased saliva due to sleep are all normal causes of dry mouth.

Prescription medication

Sixty-three percent of the top 200 most commonly prescribed drugs in the U.S. are known to cause dry mouth. And the higher the number of medications a person takes, the higher the chance of dry mouth. That’s why as we age, we tend to experience more instances of dry mouth. It’s not necessarily age-related, but our consumption of medication may cause this side effect.

Habitual use of alcohol and tobacco

Use of any of these products will dry out the oral cavity.

Please drink in moderation, and make sure to up your water intake when you imbibe. As for tobacco, we always recommend quitting as soon as possible.

Chronic Disease

Diabetes, Sjogren’s disease, Sarcoidosis, Hepatitic C can all cause dry mouth.

Psychogenic or Idiopathic

When symptoms are present without an identifiable cause (idiopathic), or because of psychological causes (psychogenic), they can be difficult to diagnose. If you find yourself with a persistent, unidentifiable case of dry mouth, you should make an appointment with our office.

Figuring out which one is causing your dry mouth is so important because a dry mouth has a big effect on your dental health. Saliva is so important for swishing away bacteria.

The dryer the mouth, the more prone you are to cavities, bad breath, and gingivitis. We recommend visiting us or your doctor for a consultation on why you may be experiencing a dry mouth.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Ever look at a photo of yourself from only a few years ago and ask yourself, “Huh, were my teeth looked a bit brighter back then?” We definitely do.

Coffee and red wine usually get the blame for teeth discoloration, but several other causes may be the culprit.

Common Reasons for Tooth Discoloration

• Spotty Dental Routine We’re definitely a little biased at Dental and Implant Care Center. But if you don’t brush and floss regularly, plaque can harden into tartar, leaving a yellow-brown color along your gums.

• Diet Some of the foods we hold dearest to our heart, at least at Dental and Implant Care Center — like coffee on a Monday morning or an apple on a crisp, cool day — can stain our teeth. Besides coffee and red wine, a few of the top offenders include tea, berries, grapes, tomato and soy sauces, soda, dark juices, and white wine.

• Tobacco Use Smoking and chewing tobacco can cause a slew of health issues, the least worrisome of which is yellow teeth. That said, it’s one of the most common aesthetic complaints among tobacco users. • Too Much Fluoride Fluoride is a good thing, but like all good things, too much of it isn’t recommended. Consuming too much of it, like in tap water or through dental care products (like mouthwash), can leave streaks across or a brown outline on your teeth.

• Enamel Decay Enamel is that hard shell that protects the inside of your tooth. But if it decays or doesn’t fully develop, you may see a variety of stains and changes, including pits, white spots, or yellow-brown streaks. If you suspect decay, schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible.

What Helps Prevent Stains Pardon our sounding like a broken record, but generally, the one great way to prevent teeth discoloration is to take exquisite care of your teeth and your health. Here are some of our favorite measures you can take right away to keep your teeth bright:

• Brush after eating or drinking

• Floss daily

• Pass on the sugary foods and drinks

• Add calcium to your diet

• Nix any tobacco use

We Can Help! If you need some help adding more sparkle to your smile, we’re here for you. We offer a number of whitening services. Give us a call to learn more or to schedule your appointment!

What You Need To Know About Crossbites

Typically, when a parent brings a young child to the dentist, the last discussion they’re expecting to have is one centered on braces and orthodontic appliances. Yet, even at ages three and four, a talk about braces, sagittal expanders, and retainers can indeed be front and center when a child is diagnosed with a crossbite. The question then is what to do about it, how soon should intervention take place, and what the complications are that can arise if nothing is done at all. Let’s get some answers.

What Exactly Is a Crossbite?

Imagine for a moment you’re sitting in front of a nice soup bowl with a wide flat brim, and inside that bowl is hearty chowder you’d like to keep warm until you’re ready to devour it. So, you grab another bowl designed exactly like the first, and hover it upside-down over the bowl containing the soup. As you slowly lower it, you try to line up the brims so when they rest together they form a nice even seal. Unfortunately, given the soup is hot, you don’t quite get the brims to line up perfectly, and the edge of the top bowl ends up resting just slightly to the left of the lip on the bottom bowl. The way these two bowls now rest unevenly atop one another is exactly what you would see in a person with a crossbite. A crossbite can affect several teeth, or a single tooth, and can occur on either one side of the mouth or both. Simply put, if any one tooth (or several teeth) lies nearer the tongue or cheek instead of coming together evenly, you’re likely dealing with a crossbite.

So, What To Do About It And When?

The dental community is split on when to initiate treatment for a crossbite, with some suggesting treatment should begin as soon as it is noticed (sometimes as early as age three), while others suggest parents should wait until a child’s sixth year molars have arrived. Despite the difference of opinion as to when treatment should begin, dentists and orthodontist are in agreement that the condition cannot be left untreated. Doing so presents a host of complications for the child later in life including gum and tooth wear, uneven jaw development that can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and facial asymmetry – something no parent or child wants. What Does Crossbite Treatment Look Like? Crossbite treatment generally involves adjusting the spread of a child’s teeth with dental appliances so the bite pattern matches evenly on all sides. Depending on the type of crossbite a child has, this can be done with dental expanders that resemble orthodontic retainers, and include a screw that is tightened nightly to “spread” a child’s bite to the prescribed width. Additionally, dental facemasks, braces and clear aligners may be used – particularly when a single tooth is out of alignment. Crossbites are generally regarded as genetic in nature, and they’re not overly common. It is, however, a condition that needs to be treated before permanent damage to a child’s facial and oral development occurs. So, if you find yourself at the other end of a discussion about having your little one wear a dental expander, be sure you listen and get however many opinions regarding that advice as you require. Your child, and your wallet, will thank you long into the future.

Understanding the Five Stages of Tooth Decay

Did you know there are five distinct stages of tooth decay? And, that in the first stage of decay, you can actually take steps to reverse the progression of the disease? Indeed, it’s true. In the first stage of decay, whether you’re a child or an adult, the application of fluoride via fluoride treatments, your toothpaste and even the local water supply can stop a cavity from penetrating through the enamel and reaching its second stage. Even the saliva in your mouth and the foods you eat help to re-mineralize a tooth in jeopardy. But that’s just the first stage! What about the rest? Understanding how a cavity progresses can assist you in preventing each successive stage from occurring in your children. There’s always a lot going on in that little mouth!

Stage One: White Spots

In stage one, the tooth begins to show signs of strain from the attack of sugars and acids, and white spots will begin to materialize just below the surface of the enamel. These white spots are representative of the demineralization of the tooth and can be easy to miss because they’re likely to occur on your child’s molars. A dental exam, of course, is designed to catch such cavities! Can you see why regular visits to the dentist are recommended? As mentioned previously, at this stage, the cavity can be repaired without the need to excavate the tooth.

Stage Two: Enamel Decay

Stage two marks the beginning of the end for the surface enamel that is being attacked. Initially, the tooth erodes from the underside outward, so the outer enamel will still be intact for the first half of this second stage. Once the cavity breaks through the surface of the enamel, there is no turning back, and your child will need to have the cavity corrected with a filling.

Stage Three: Dentin Decay

If a cavity in your child’s mouth were to progress beyond stage two without you knowing, you’d tend become aware of it when it started to hit stage three because it would probably start to cause some pain. At this level, the cavity begins to eat away at the second level of tooth material that lies beneath the enamel: the dentin. A filling can still be used to stop the onslaught of bacteria assaulting the tooth in order to prevent the cavity from reaching the tooth’s most critical component: the pulp.

Stage Four: Involvement of The Pulp

Once the cavity reaches the pulp, it’s going to hurt. A lot. So if you’ve unfortunately missed all the signs to this point, a screaming child or moaning teenager will certainly let you know there is a big problem. Stage four is serious, and a root canal is the only option of treatment at this stage, save for a complete extraction.

Stage Five: Abscess Formation

In the fifth and final stage of a cavity, the infection has reached the tip of the root and exited the tip of the tooth’s structure. This in turn infects the surrounding tissues and possibly the bone structure. Swelling would be commonplace and pain severe. In children (as well as adults) an abscess can be fatal if not dealt with immediately. Root canal or extraction would be the order of the day should decay reach this stage.  Need to see us? Give a call at (323) 312-0500 or make a online appointment here!

As you can see, cavities don’t happen overnight. In the early stages, regular visits can stall and reverse the progression of these dastardly little devils, so it really does pay to visit the dentist at pre-selected intervals. You can keep your kids far from stage five their whole lives, and if a little bit of prodding to get them to the dentist accomplishes that, you can rest easy despite the griping.

Effects of Soda on Your Teeth

Ever seen those videos where someone puts a baby tooth in a glass of soda and watches it decay? Well, the effect of soda in an actual mouth is a bit different. You have your saliva to help wash away the sugar, you eat other things throughout the day, and brush at least twice a day to remove debris or plaque. Nevertheless, soda is not something we recommend you consume more often than a once-in-awhile treat. Here’s why:


Soda has an extremely high sugar content. The bacteria that cause tooth decay feed off of sugar and excrete acid, which is what causes tooth decay. The more sugar our teeth have to interact with, the more prone to decay they will be.


Think diet soda is a better alternative? Even though it contains zero sugar, it can still contain acids such as phosphoric acid or citric acid. Acid eats away at a tooth’s enamel and leaves it prone to decay.


Caramel color, Yellow 5, etc. Any type of artificial coloring can cause tooth-staining. If you prefer your teeth sparkling white, it’s best to stay away from soda.

Instead of soda, we recommend spicing up your daily beverages with other alternatives. How about some sparkling water or plain water infused with fresh fruit? When you do drink soda, make sure to rinse with water afterwards. And, as always, keep up with regular brushing and flossing to protect those precious teeth!

How To Quickly Treat Cold Sores

Got a Cold Sore? Here’s How to Treat It Quickly

Ugh. A cold sore appears a couple days before a party where you’ll be photographed as much as the Royal Couple. That smile that we’ve been working on together just went from hero to zero, right?

Not necessarily. Finding which cold sore treatment works best for you can help speed along its healing. And that’s why we’re here.

Maybe It Isn’t a Cold Sore, Right?

Let’s clear the air about what a cold sore is and isn’t.

Cold sores are contagious blisters that usually appear on your lips or around your mouth. Caused by a virus, cold sores usually start with a tingling sensation, evolve into numerous tiny, painful blisters, and later crust over.

Canker sores, on the other hand, aren’t contagious, but they still sting. Unlike cold sores, they usually appear as white oval lesions inside your mouth, especially near or on your gums.

Remedies for Cold Sores

The key to treating a cold sore is acting fast. As soon as the first symptom appears, consider these steps to move the healing process along quickly:

• Apply Ice to the Cold Sore

At the first sign, grab an ice cube, wrap it in a paper towel, place it where you feel the cold sore coming on, and let it melt. Back-to-back applications can reduce the pain.

• Switch to a Cold-Sore-Fighting Diet

You can boost your immune system’s fight against this viral nuisance with the right foods. Fill your plate with cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, and avoid foods with arginine, a cold-sore-triggering amino acid found in nuts, chocolate, and oats.

• Dial Down the Stress

One of the most common causes of cold sores is, surprise, surprise, stress. Minimizing stress these days can get so complicated that it causes more stress, right? But try giving yourself some time for the restorative, restful activities that drop your heart rate and raise your smile.

• Reach for Aloe Vera or Even an Over-The-Counter Cream

Both natural and medicinal creams have shown promise as cold sore remedies. Some studies suggest that aloe vera can help the fever blister heal, and over-the-counter creams, like docosanol, also tout their ability to knock the sore out of cold sores. Prefer the medicinal route? Check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before using it.

• Relieve Pain with Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen

Some cold sores can get really painful. For those intense ones, acetaminophen or ibuprofen may provide well-needed relief. Just be sure that your healthcare provider’s on-board with that type of over-the-counter med.

• Our office can also help rid you of that pesky cold sore. Contact us at (323) 312-0500 if any questions!

There you have it. You’re on the fast track to treating that cold sore quickly and living your best life at the party.

Don’t forget to smile!